Thursday, March 19, 2009

You all keep asking what I look like now... and yes, I'm definitely starting to show a bit more. I think my booty is growing just as much. :) Trying to keep up the glut work outs...they are definitely needed. :) I headed to Old Navy this week to grab some bigger shirts and dresses. I definitely can't fit into the majority of my shirts anymore. Pants are still fitting, but the button is usually undone when sitting! Keep checking back. I'm trying to post more often since we are in BFE... SF.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

DEC 1978 - Pregnant with TWINS

As many know, my sister and I are identical twins. I asked my mom to send me pictures of what she looked like at the end of her pregnancy, so that I could see how huge I was going to get. Check it out...all belly. She looks great doesn't she? It's given me hope. :) We were born 2 weeks after these photos were taken.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

10 week Sonogram!!

10 weeks old and active as ever. So neat how they are already dancing...running. :) I wish I could feel them!

Nausea has died down a ton, but I'm still sleepy! Clothes are fitting tighter these days...buttons are being tested. :)

Baby 1 seemed to be stealing the lime light, and Baby 2 was dancing like crazy!. So neat...Enjoy the pics!

Monday, March 2, 2009

8.5 weeks

Already showing and not even out of the first trimester. Guess that's what having twins will do to you. :)

First Sonogram

7 weeks sonogram... TWINS!!