Tuesday, March 17, 2009

DEC 1978 - Pregnant with TWINS

As many know, my sister and I are identical twins. I asked my mom to send me pictures of what she looked like at the end of her pregnancy, so that I could see how huge I was going to get. Check it out...all belly. She looks great doesn't she? It's given me hope. :) We were born 2 weeks after these photos were taken.

1 comment:

  1. I had to sleep sitting up with pillows stuffed all around me. If I tried sleeping on my side, it would be nearly impossible for me to lay on my back and switch to the other side. When I would finally (after trying and trying) roll over to my other side the weight of you girls would throw me over to my other side! It got so exhusting trying to sleep on my side or back I decided to sleep sitting up. Great memories!!
