Wednesday, July 1, 2009

It's a Girl and a Boy!!!

Finally! We are updating the blog. Sorry to keep everyone waiting for so long.
19 Weeks and surprise we are having a boy and a girl! Done and Done. :) They are growing like weeds! More posts coming after this...since it's been so long! :)

Twin A is the Girl! (She will be born first)
Twin B is the Boy!

The boy is kicking back and crossing his legs. His profile looks more like mine.
The girl is on her belly, which she does a lot since her brother is usually sitting on her face or kicking her private parts. :) Her profile is more like Jace's! :)

1 comment:

  1. What are those bubbles?? Boys will be boys!:) Love the pictures! Can't wait to meet my first grandchildren! How exciting!!
