Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Nursery

Click here to view all our nursery pics!

Finally, our nursery! We still aren't completely done, but it's now good enough to show! Great features of the room are the tree (compliments of Steph's artistry) and the mounted stuffed animal heads. :) I know weird, but Jace and I love them! We found them in a shop here in San Francisco on Valencia street (where all quirky things can be found). :) More photos to come once it's completed! I'll also be uploading more photos of the house and how it's progressing! I love where we live. It's pretty easy to decorate with such great architectural details. Can't wait for everyone to see it in person! Miss you all!

Nursery Decorating Helpers

Well thanks to Jace's parents, Stephanie, Jace and Tyrone's muscle's, the nursery is coming together quite nicely! Steph, where are the photos of you painting the tree? You'll see in my next post the AMAZING tree Steph painted. She's so talented!!

Pregnant Photos

See more of Prego Rego here!

Again, it's been awhile since we've updated the blog. So we're posting a bunch of pictures of the belly. Look out! The belly is HUGE! :) 34 weeks! We hope to meet the little guy and girl in another 2 weeks! Jace thinks I'm going to need to be induced at 38 weeks. I hope not! I would be huge!! I'm still not on bedrest, which is amazing, but I'm definitely slowing down these days and sleeping upright. We are getting really excited to meet Everett and Amelia! We can't believe it's almost here! We have an ultrasound next week. We'll keep you posted...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

26 Weeks!

Well, I can't believe how big I am. I'm starting to feel really pregnant these days and I've started getting comments "your waddling now", and "oh, I feel for you". I guess I'm wearing my emotions on my sleeve...not miserable yet, but so uncomfortable. I wake up at least 3 times a night to eat, use the bathroom, or because the babies are moving around like crazy! I have to stretch every morning to release some discomfort from my hips and legs. 10 Weeks + to go! We have a Doctor appointment tomorrow and another ultrasound next week. We'll keep you posted!

RBD has Moved!!

Regan Baker Design has moved. We moved my office out of the house a week before we moved the house. It's been a busy month! I love the new space. I should have done this a long time ago. :) I share the office with 2 engineers and I've hired a new designer to help run the business while on maternity leave. Things are going great!

We've MOVED!!

We told most of you that we were hoping for our #1 choice of the apartments we had been looking at. We found out a couple days after leaving Texas that we got the apartment!!! After facing 4 flights of stairs for half of the pregnancy, we decided it was time to move. We now only have 8 steps! YAY It's a great place to start and raise a family. We are really loving it so far. :) Everyone needs to come see it! :) We have room!!

I'll post pictures of the nursery once it's done!! We are still unpacking boxes, so excuse the mess in the photo!!

As you can see the belly is growing. Getting uncomfortable now. I can't believe we have 10 weeks left! I'm going to be HUGE!

New Address:
1012 Sanchez Street
San Francisco, CA 94114

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

25 Weeks!!

The kids are growing like weeds! Profile shots...can't wait to meet them. :)
Each are about 1.5 lbs each and 14 inches long! :) They are right on schedule!


23 Weeks

And the belly continues to grow! :)

Austin Shower

Thanks for coming everyone! The shower was adorable and it was great to see everyone! Austin, we love it and miss it so much. Thanks everyone for keeping in touch, even though we are so far away! We miss you all so much. We have some great photos and I'm posting a movie of the newest addition to the clan: Briggs Paulus Hoffman. More photos will be uploaded in a Web album...coming soon.

Fort Worth Shower!!

We had so much fun seeing everyone at the Fort Worth Shower! Thank you all for coming!

I can't believe how long it had been since we had seen some of you. CRAZY! Here's just a few shots of the family and shower. More photos will be available on a web album...which is coming soon! :)

Parking is now difficult...

Well, we had to trade in "Big Red". It was very sad since she was such a great city car and a fun drive. Gone are the days of finding an easy parking spot. BOO! I guess we are officially parents. Check out the new ride. :) It's the smallest SUV that we could find that would hold twins and one set of parents or friends. :) You all should come take a ride, it's quite nice!

It's a Girl and a Boy!!!

Finally! We are updating the blog. Sorry to keep everyone waiting for so long.
19 Weeks and surprise we are having a boy and a girl! Done and Done. :) They are growing like weeds! More posts coming after this...since it's been so long! :)

Twin A is the Girl! (She will be born first)
Twin B is the Boy!

The boy is kicking back and crossing his legs. His profile looks more like mine.
The girl is on her belly, which she does a lot since her brother is usually sitting on her face or kicking her private parts. :) Her profile is more like Jace's! :)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

13 WEEKS!! 2nd Trimester Baby PICS!

We've made it to the 2nd trimester!!

As promised, here are updated pictures of our little ones. :) They are definitely growing like weeds! I can't believe how little they are, yet there is already so much detail. Heard separate heart beats today. Ones beating a little faster than the other. Perhaps a sign that it's a Boy and Girl? Guess you'll have to stay tuned for next months post. Should have a good idea then!!

Photos: Top to Bottom:
  • 1st photo - baby 2 (moving around again, head and side/frontal view...and knees!
  • 2nd photo - baby 1 (side view - waving at you!) :)
  • 3rd photo - shows 2 heads
Jace and I are doing great. We'll be posting a picture of him more often these days. Feels funny to be leaving him out, since this is partially his doing. :P

I'm unfortunately getting over a sinus infection, but it looks like I'm on my way up! Jace is healthy as always, but seems to be sick after eating some dirty Chinese food last night. He's loving my cravings, but I think is regretting last nights dinner decision. :) Guess we'll be staying away from Chinese food for awhile.

Hope you all are doing well! We miss everyone so much...more than you know. Come visit!!

13 WEEKS - 2nd Triamester - EXPANDING!

OMG! Really, I'm going to get bigger? I don't know how. I know I am prego, but I definitely feel fat. My poor skin. Why did I wear white pants for the photo shoot? I promise this isn't a typical outfit. :)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

You all keep asking what I look like now... and yes, I'm definitely starting to show a bit more. I think my booty is growing just as much. :) Trying to keep up the glut work outs...they are definitely needed. :) I headed to Old Navy this week to grab some bigger shirts and dresses. I definitely can't fit into the majority of my shirts anymore. Pants are still fitting, but the button is usually undone when sitting! Keep checking back. I'm trying to post more often since we are in BFE... SF.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

DEC 1978 - Pregnant with TWINS

As many know, my sister and I are identical twins. I asked my mom to send me pictures of what she looked like at the end of her pregnancy, so that I could see how huge I was going to get. Check it out...all belly. She looks great doesn't she? It's given me hope. :) We were born 2 weeks after these photos were taken.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

10 week Sonogram!!

10 weeks old and active as ever. So neat how they are already dancing...running. :) I wish I could feel them!

Nausea has died down a ton, but I'm still sleepy! Clothes are fitting tighter these days...buttons are being tested. :)

Baby 1 seemed to be stealing the lime light, and Baby 2 was dancing like crazy!. So neat...Enjoy the pics!

Monday, March 2, 2009

8.5 weeks

Already showing and not even out of the first trimester. Guess that's what having twins will do to you. :)

First Sonogram

7 weeks sonogram... TWINS!!